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Pozivam vas da nam se pridružite na online treningu za certificiranog holistic coacha na hrvatskom / engleskom jeziku kojeg vodim u suradnji sa Radiant Coaches Academy.

Trening se sastoji od ukupno 125 sati (live zoom satovi, online platforma za samostalno učenje, praktikumi) i možete se pridružiti u bilo koje vrijeme i napredovati u svom ritmu.

Diploma je priznata od strane International Coaching Federation koja je zlatni standard u profesionalnom coachingu u cijelom svijetu.

Ispuni svoju životnu svrhu pomažući drugima.

Zašto upisati trening:

• prirodno ste empatični i često ste podrška prijateljima i obitelji.

• osjećate se pozvanim pomagati ljudima i istražujete svoje mogućnosti za početak nove karijere.

• žudite za karijerom koja vam omogućuje da ostanete kod kuće sa svojom obitelji, radite po fleksibilnom radnom vremenu i putujete, a pritom pomažete drugima.

Definicija coachinga prema International Coaching Federation:

“Coaching je partnerstvo coacha i klijenta u kreativnom procesu koji potiče na razmišljanje i koji klijenta nadahnjuje da povećaju svoj osobni i profesionalni potencijal.

Drugim riječima, coaching je proces u kojem coach podržava klijenta u postizanju njegovih najvažnijih ciljeva te da postanu najbolja verzija sebe.“

Voditeljica treninga: Izabela Marić, certificirani holistic coach, Direktor Edukacije za Europu na Radiant Coaches Academy u SAD-u, organizator i voditelj međunarodnih Holistic retreata.

Za sve dodatne informacije kontaktirajte me na email: ili dogovorite termin sa mnom putem linka:…/60-min-radiant-discovery-call…


I invite you to join us at the online training for a certified holistic coach in Croatian / English languages, which I lead in cooperation with the Radiant Coaches Academy.

The training consists of a total of 125 hours (live zoom classes, online self-study platform, practicums) and you can join at any time and progress at your own pace.

The certificate is recognized by the International Coaching Federation, which is the gold standard in professional coaching worldwide.

Fulfill your purpose in life by helping others.

Why enroll in training:

• you are naturally empathetic and often supportive of friends and family.

• you feel called to help people and are exploring your options to start a new career.

• long for a career that allows you to stay at home with your family, work flexible hours and travel while helping others.

Definition of coaching according to the International Coaching Federation:

“Coaching is a partnership between coach and client in a creative process that stimulates thinking and inspires the client to increase their personal and professional potential.

In other words, coaching is a process in which the coach supports the client in achieving his most important goals and in becoming the best version of himself.”

Training leader: Izabela Marić, certified holistic coach, International Retreats & Education Director for Europe at the Radiant Coaches Academy in the USA.

For all additional information contact me by email: or make an appointment with me via the link:…/60-min-radiant-discovery-call…