Na našim satovima yoge integriramo fizičke, psihološke i duhovne aspekte yoge. Očekujte jasne verbalne instrukcije, svjesnost daha, meditaciju i duboko opuštanje u svakom satu.
Satovi su prilagođeni kako početnicima, tako i naprednijim vježbačima, stvarajući prostor za vježbanje svih nivoa.
Grupni i individualni satovi yoge održavaju se u našem studiju na adresi Petrova ulica 71, Zagreb.
Vježbajte s nama iz udobnosti svog doma. Satovi se prenose uživo iz studija putem Zoom aplikacije, a snimke su također dostupne, pa možete vježbati u vrijeme koje vam najviše odgovara.
Kroz individualne i grupne satove yoge u tvrtkama pomažemo zaposlenicima da se bolje nose sa svakodnevnim zadacima, podižemo produktivnost i timski duh, učimo aktivnom slušanju i osvještavanju naših akcija, što rezultira manjim razinama stresa, smanjenjem tjeskobe i bolova uzrokovanih dugim sjedenjem i lošim držanjem tijela. Nakon naših satova yoge, vaši će zaposlenici osjećati pomlađeno i energično.
Feel free to contact us at za više informacija ili za dogovorivanje termina.
Yoga styles
Ashtanga yoga is a dynamic style of yoga popularized by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, one of the greatest teachers of yoga of the 20th century, who sent Ashtanga yoga to the world and spread it through the West.
Ashtanga is a disciplined, demanding practice that purifies the body and mind and that makes us present, focused, content and happy in a peaceful and grounded way.
Yoga for spine is designed to help improve the mobility of the spine with a preventive approach.
Twisting the spine releases potentially pinched nerves, strengthens muscle tissue, and improves ligament flexibility.
Vinyasa Flow je dinamični oblik yoge koji se razvio iz Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga sistema. Vinyasa je povezivanje daha i pokreta kroz razne položaje. Vinyasa kretnje podsjećaju na ples. Ima brojne pozitivne učinke kako na tijelo, tako i na um.
The body is warmed up in sequence and the increase in body temperature burns toxins accumulated in the joints and muscles, thus revitalizing the body, and the mind is calmed by the rhythmic sound of ujjayi breath that accompanies the movements. All these interconnected parameters lead to meditation in motion and the release of energy blockages.
Meditation is a simple method of relaxation that helps us to rest and relax completely psychophysically, as during the deepest sleep.
During meditation, the parasympathetic system is activated and increases the secretion of serotonin and melatonin by as much as 300%, increases blood flow by as much as 200%, reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke, reduces heart rate, lowers blood pressure, reduces lactic acid production and the amount of stress hormones. Through meditation we increase concentration, focus, the ability to better organize and learn faster.
In Hatha flow yoga classes, the exercises are performed slowly and in a relaxing rhythm with an emphasis on paying attention to the breath and maintaining yoga positions, which alternate in fluid sequences. The movement is continuous in nature; in everyday life movements are interconnected and are never fragmented or isolated. In this way, exercise sequences are also planned, so that the exercisers progress gradually and have a smooth, uninterrupted sequence of movements.
Asanas have a strong influence on the physical, mental and spiritual level of a person - practicing certain positions increases body mobility, strengthens muscles and increases strength, and relaxation techniques and breathing exercises remove physical and mental tension which leads to deep relaxation.
The positive effect of this discipline on the cardiovascular, respiratory and loco-motor systems has been scientifically proven. Since it is a moderate physical activity, it is recommended for everyone, regardless of age, fitness and health, because the movements are performed to the level of their own limitation.
Pranayama is the management of life energy (prana) through breath, breathing techniques and directing prana.
Pranayama is the science of prana and breath and the ancient yogis did them to increase the quantity and quality of prana, purify the nadis (energy channels) and chakras (energy centers) and immerse themselves in the deep experience of bliss and connection with the divine source.
The positive effect of this discipline on the cardiovascular, respiratory and loco-motor systems has been scientifically proven. Since it is a moderate physical activity, it is recommended for everyone, regardless of age, fitness and health, because the movements are performed to the level of their own limitation.