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Izabela Marić

Certificirana učiteljica yoge i yoga terapije, ITEC alumni, certificirani Holistic Coach, osnivačica Verbasana yoga studija, predsjednica Hrvatskog saveza za yogu, dipl. indolog. International Retreats & Education Director za Europu na Radiant Coaches Academy, SAD.

Namaste, moje ime je Izabela i susrela sam se s yogom prije više od dvadeset godina. Certificirana sam učiteljica yoge (RYT200, RYT300, RYT800), yoga terapeut (RYT200) i certificirani Holistic Coach od strane Radiant Coaches Academy u SAD-u.

International Retreats + Education Director za Europu na Radiant Coaches Academy, SAD. Također sam trenerica na Radiant Coaches Academy – vodim trening za certificaranog Holistic Coacha na englskom, hrvatskom i ruskom jeziku, trening za certificiranog Chakra Coacha te trening za certificiranog Yoga + Meditation Coacha.

I am the president of the Croatian Yoga Association. I organize yoga conferences, International Day of Yoga and cooperate with the Embassy of India. Link:

I am the founder of the Verbasana yoga studio in Zagreb, which I founded in 2015. Until then, I taught Hindi, Sanskrit and Russian at the StudioNet foreign language school, which I founded in 2008.

In the Verbasana studio, I teach Hatha Vinyasa yoga, Vinyasu Flow, Prenatal yoga for pregnant women, Yoga for moms and babies, Kids yoga, sound baths, individual yoga therapy and holistic life coaching classes, and I organize yoga retreats in Croatia and India.

I studied yoga, ayurveda and yoga therapy for four years with yogacharya Jadranko Miklec at the "Sunce Institute of Yoga and Ayurveda" (RYT800). ITEC alumni – under the auspices of the Embassy of India and the Ministry of AYUSH, I studied yoga at S-VYASA Yoga University in Bangalore, India (RYT300). I graduated from the yoga school at the Gaia Center in Zagreb, Croatia (RYT200).

I am a member of a Shanti yoga group that performs choreography based on yoga positions to promote the peace and joy that the practice of yoga brings to the body, mind and spirit.

As a graduate Indologist since 2004, I travel to India almost every year to learn more about yoga at its source. I spent ten winters in India with my 16-year-old daughter, staying in various ashrams and exploring various styles of yoga.

I am a columnist for the SHE.HR portal, where I regularly publish articles related to yoga and health. Link to articles:

Since 2022, I have been working on the realization of my long-standing dream, which is the Yoga Garden on the Kupa River - a green oasis for practicing yoga and connecting with nature.

I firmly believe that we are the designers of our lives, the authors of our reality and the creators of our world and I look forward to helping you on your journey to reconnect with yourself and to guide you to build a life rooted in love, purpose and joy through yoga, meditation and holistic life coaching.

Jako sam zahvalna što sam imala priliku postati koautorom antologije „Radiant Self“ na Amazon-u.
Naslov mog poglavlja je ‘Just be yourself’, gdje pišem i dijelim priče o tome kako živjeti blistavijim životom, kako ostvariti svoje snove i kako pronaći i živjeti sebe.

Link to the book "Radiant Self"

Kako vam mogu pomoći da vodite ispunjeniji život:
– tečajevi joge u studiju ili online, grupni i individualni
– individualna yoga terapija
– individualni holistički life coaching

If you are ready to become the best version of yourself and find true balance and joy, please email me to discuss what would work best for you.


Svemir Vranko

Certified yoga instructor, sound healer, bodywork therapist, author and recording musician.

Yoga has been his inspiration since his early teens, and he has been practicing meditation since he was 15. With 16, in meditation, he had kundalini experience and realized that our nature is pure light and bliss.

He is the initiator of the Chakra Dance yoga method and a pioneer of sound healing in Croatia. As a musician he plays Australian didgeridoo and guitar along with singing.

Certified Instructor Yoga RYT300 with Yogacharya Jadranko Miklec.

He was teaching meditation practice at the Radiant Coaches Academy in the US, where he attends training for a holistic life coach.

He is the author of "Sound Healing - Good Vibes for Body and Soul" with Om Didge Music for Sound Healing. Svemir learned Romanowski method with American therapist Jeff Romanowski – working on deep tissue muscles with breath for personal transformation.

He is the initiator of Yomad - Yoga, Music and Dance Festival in Rovinj and together with Izabela the leader of yoga retreats in Croatia and beyond.

In the Verbasana yoga studio he leads Spine Yoga, Pranayama classes, meditation and sound healing, Chakra Dance Yoga and bodywork treatments.

Co author of Radiant Coaching Academy book published on Amazon:  Radiant Souls: Holistic Coaches Share How Radiant Your Life Can Really Be” with chapter: “Half Closed Eyes of Buddha”.


Tatiana Cameron Tajči

Award-winning musician and keynote speaker | ICF Accredited life coach (ACC) | Chopra certified coach | Inspirational speaker and author.

As a musician, Tatiana tours with her music shows and speaking programs, writes inspirational books, facilitates retreats, teaches meditation classes, and uses her life coaching certifications to help other creatives heal deeper, love more and uplift others.

Dez Stephens

Founder + CEO of Radiant Coaches Academy | International Coaching Expert + Educator | Intuitive Entrepreneur Coach | Meaningful Media Producer

Dez Stephens is founder of Radiant Health Institute, a social enterprise comprised of holistic educators, providers and practitioners dedicated to enhancing lives through special events, holistic coach training and meaningful publishing. She is a credentialed coach, published author and master trainer who is known for her great insight and compassionate support.

Dez is a humanitarian coach, accidental activist, social entrepreneur, and planetary advocate.


Binu Prasad

A Holistic Mindset Coach, practicing meditation and yoga for over a decade. Binu hails from India, the land of Ayurveda, Yoga and Meditation. Binu is a humble, calm, inspiring individual with deeper wisdom in his understanding of life in general.

Binu is a trainer in mindfulness meditation and practices simple yogic exercises, Reiki and energy healing methods for adding value to his clients.